La Corte Restaurant

Vincenzo La Corte: An «Essential» Cuisine

Do not call him «Chef». Vincenzo La Corte, born in 1986, is one of those people who don’t like high-sounding names. He is a «Cook», as simple as that. As simple is his cuisine, «which does not mean banal» but focused on essential processes to serve a raw material as intact as possible: the true embodiment of the territories of origin.

The «territories» which La Corte comes from are at least two. The first one is Langhe, where he grew up and started his culinary adventure. He loves the pragmatic nature of the hills, the earthy strength of its inhabitants, the innate excellence of its raw materials. The other is Sicily, the birthplace of his parents, a land from which he draws inspiration to serve true Mediterranean taste, fish dishes and a certain radiance, of flavor and character.
Basic, simple, sober, and moderate. I focus on three ingredients: meat, fish, side dish. No contamination or special effects. I am interested in authentic flavors, not the «make it unfamiliar» type.


Focusing on the experience of great wines, the apericru will give you the thrill of simply and closely tasting the most important denominations of Piedmont: Barolo and Barbaresco wines selected from our collection, with particular attention to the producers who have written their story.

How does it work?

Apericrus are available at any time of the day. Choose together with our sommelier Roberto Stroppiana one of the large bottles kept in the cellars of Palás or among the wines served by the glass with Coravin, and let chef Francesco Oberto pair your drink with one of his specialties: Piedmontese tapas, a selection of local cheese and cold cuts or dishes specifically prepared for the occasion. Apericrus can be served on the terrace or by the pool.